Why I temporarily left my blog (+possibly reviving my other abandoned blogs and starting new blogs)

Hello! So first off, i deeply apologize for my abrupt and mysterious disappearance. I hope you are doing ok during this quarantine. So you may already be aware that i had stopped posting for about i think 3 months. Well, thats cuz my MacBook decided to stop working. So i had to switch to my old Dell computer, which honestly,kinda sucks. But yea, so about my abandoned blogs, UC chat (now revived), UC Music (permanently closed), and UC fashion (temporarily closed). All of those blogs i abandoned because they didnt have enough content that was interesting enough,some dont even have an introduction post! they will be revived soon though(maybe). but i am starting up multiple new blogs, UC theories (Now permanently closed) , UC LGBTQ+ , UC paranormal(PERMANENTLY CLOSED), UC extras(CLOSED TEMPORARILY), UC Creative,UC Astrology and UC Make Your Day(Permanently closed). Links: UC Theories: https://uctheories.blogspot.com (permanently closed) UC LGBTQ+: https://uclgbtqblog.blogspot.com UC paranormal: https://ucparanormal.blogspot.com/ (permanently closed) UC extras: https://ucextras.blogspot.com/ (temporarily closed) UC Creative: https://uccreativeblog.blogspot.com/ UC Astrology: https://ucastrology.blogspot.com/ UC Make Your Day: https://ucmakeyourday.blogspot.com/ (permanently closed)


  1. Hey! its Bree! so im commenting on my phone to say that i have closed UC Astrology permantantly,due to my lack of knowledge on that stuff. Sorry guys!


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